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Competition Time!

Competition Time!

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To help spread the Little Ruggers name, we thought it would be a good idea to do a Facebook Competition with a chance of winning a half terms worth of classes!

It would be great if you could help us spread the Little Ruggers name by entering our Competition. For a chance of winning, all you need to do is:

*Like the Competition post on the Little Ruggers Facebook Page*

*Share the Competition post on the Little Ruggers Facebook Page *

*Tag a friend in the Competition post on the Little Ruggers Facebook Page*

Please make sure you do all of the above to be in with a chance of winning. Please see the link here to enter the Competition;

The Competition has started today (03/10/2018) and the winner will be revealed on Wednesday 7th November 2018. This will be announced on Facebook and the winner will be contacted via email.

Thanks again for supporting Little Ruggers and entering our Competition. We really appreciate your help!

Good Luck!