Spaces at Little Ruggers are automatically renewed each term/half term unless we are informed otherwise.
Half a terms notice is required in writing or fees are payable for the next half term. Notice must be sent to
Matthew Marsden via email or in a letter to the company address. Informing one of the βcoaching staffβ does
not act as suitable notice.
Little Ruggers Terms and Conditions
Below are the terms and conditions on which Little Ruggers (we, our or us) provide rugby, fitness and sports exercise
and training classes.
Sessions to all the children booked and partaking in Little Ruggers βSessionsβ.
Notice Period
Spaces at Little Ruggers are automatically renewed each term/half term unless we are informed otherwise. Half a
terms notice is required in writing or fees are payable for the next half term. Notice must be sent to Matthew
Marsden via email or in a letter to the company address. Informing one of the βcoaching staffβ does not act as
suitable notice.
Costs of Sessions and payment
The cost of each Session is Β£8.00, and classes are payable per term or per half term. If you join midway through a
term or half term, only the remaining classes are payable. These fees are payable in advance of start date/new terms
etc. Any increase in Session costs will be notified to you by the end of the term. These increased fees will apply from
the next term and will continue going forwards.
A Β£30.00 annual joining/membership fee is also payable on the date of joining. This covers insurance and a full Little
Ruggers kit. At the start of the nearest term to your joining/membership renewal date, the annual joining/membership
fee will be payable again. In return you will receive another item of Little Ruggers merchandise. Details on what the
options are will be displayed on your invoice.
We accept payment by BACS (bank transfer) or cash. We no longer accept cheques. Payment for each term/half
term will be made prior to your start date/beginning of new term/half term.
Changing classes
Although we will always try our utmost to move children up a class when age and/or ability appropriate, we canβt
always guarantee this as we have a maximum capacity per class.
Disclosure of any Health Issues
Before your child partakes in any Session, we require you to disclose any health issues or concerns on the
enrolment form. This will record details of your childβs current state of health, any medical conditions they have and
any medication they are taking.
Performance of the Sessions
We will provide you with the Sessions in accordance with our programme of exercise and training. We use our
reasonable skill and care in providing the Sessions. All classes will last 45 minutes.
You are required to be present at each Session with your child for the duration of the class. The Sessions will be
carried out at an appropriate facility, and we will ensure to check the venue for any obstructions that could cause
issues during the Session. All potential obstructions will be removed before the class commences.
Stopping a Session
We may ask for your child to sit out for a period of time, an activity or the remainder of the class if at any time during
a Session we consider that your child; appears to be unwell or becoming unwell, and/or is not following our
reasonable instructions (such as not following instructions intended to protect your childβs, our or any other person's
safety), and/or if your child is behaving in a manner which may be considered by us as being unreasonable,
offensive or disruptive in any manner whatsoever. Then we may wish to stop a Session and ask you to take your
child out of the Session and if we deem it appropriate, exclude your child from the activity and not continue it for a
period decided by the coaching team. A refund will not be issued in this situation.
If you are late for a Session or you cancel
If you are late, your child will just join in as and when appropriate. If you fail to attend or cancel a Session, we will be
under no obligation to refund your fee for that Session. We will act reasonably and discuss with you any issues if you
wish to cancel this contract.
Limitation on our liability to you
Our liability to compensate you for any loss or damage (in the case of loss or damage other than death or personal
injury) is limited to the Fees that you have paid to us for a term having regard to such factors as whether the damage
was due to a negligent act or omission by us unless that failure is attributable to your fault; any fault of a third party
unconnected with the provision of Sessions under this contract, for example the venue; or events which are beyond
our reasonable control or that we could not have foreseen or forestalled even if we had taken all reasonable care.
Contacting each other
If you wish to send me any notice or letter then you should send it to 20 Shepherds Place, Shefford, Beds, SG17
5BF or If I wish to send you a letter or notice I will use the address you have given in the
enrolment form.
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
For the purposes of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 this agreement is not intended to, and does not,
give any person who is not a party to it any right to enforce any of its provisions.
If you are unhappy with the Sessions, I hope you will discuss any problems or issues with us first. Any dispute, suit,
or action between us will be governed by and construed under English law and both you and we will submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.
Online Terms and Conditions:
We want you to know how our service works and why and how we handle your data. Please state that you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.Click Here for Our Terms and Conditions
I have Read and Agree to the Terms and Conditions